Muipidan Test Cases

  1. The sun shines.

    Emüsüde sades.

    emü-sü-de     sade-s  
    sun-WILD-DEF  shine-3s
  2. The sun is shining.

    Emüsüde sades (mï-sindide).

    emü-sü-de     sade-s    mï=si-ndi-de    
    sun-WILD-DEF  shine-3s  LOC=now-FLEX-DEF
  3. The sun shone.

    Emüsüde hnas ne-sadi.

    emü-sü-de     hna-s   ne=sadi  
    sun-WILD-DEF  PFV-3s  GEN=shine
  4. The sun will shine.

    Emüsüde imis o-sadi.

    emü-sü-de     imi-s    o=sadi   
    sun-WILD-DEF  want-3s  ACC=shine
  5. The sun has been shining.

    Emüsüde sades thes.

    emü-sü-de     sade-s    the-s  
    sun-WILD-DEF  shine-3s  keep-3s
  6. The sun is shining again.

    Emüsüde sades mollwas.

    emü-sü-de     sade-s    mollwa-s 
    sun-WILD-DEF  shine-3s  repeat-3s
  7. The sun will shine tomorrow.

    Emüsüde imis o-sadi ma-hme fotado

    emü-sü-de     imi-s   o=sadi     ma=hme   fo-ta-do     
    sun-WILD-DEF  OPT-3s  ACC=shine  LOC=day  next-ABST-DEF
  8. The sun shines brightly.

    Emüsüde sat’ïsos.

    emü-sü-de     sat-'ïso-s     
    sun-WILD-DEF  shine-INTENS-3s
  9. The bright sun shines.

    Emüsüde kosodo sades.

    emü-sü-de     ko-so-do         sade-s  
    sun-WILD-DEF  bright-WILD-DEF  shine-3s
  10. The sun is rising now.

    Emüsüde letmes mï-sindide

    emü-sü-de     letme-s    mï=si-ndi-de    
    sun-WILD-DEF  ascend-3s  LOC=now-FLEX-DEF
  11. All the people shouted.

    Ot’aodakïndo hnapada ne-kaslahn.

    ot'a-oda-kï-ndo       hna-pada    ne=kaslahn
    GRPL~person-PERS-DEF  PFV-3.GRPL  GEN=shout 
  12. Some of the people shouted.

    Kihnik’i ny-othodakïndo hnata ne-kaslahn.

    kihn-ik'i  ny-oth-oda-kï-ndo       hna-ta     ne=kaslahn
    PERS-some  GEN-PL~person-PERS-DEF  PFV-3.LPL  GEN=shout 
  13. Many of the people shouted twice.

    Kihnübi ny-othodakïndo hnata mï-sindim ne-kaslahn.

    kihn-übi   ny=oth-oda-kï-ndo       hna-ta     mï=si-ndi-m       
    PERS-many  GEN=PL~person-PERS-DEF  PFV-3.LPL  LOC=time-FLEX-DUAL
  14. Happy people often shout.

    Muykïn kaslahnes mï-nithübi.

    muy-kïn     kaslahne-s  mï=nith-übi  
    Happy-PERS  shout-3s    LOC=FLEX-many

    We don’t need the noun “people” here — the adjective plus the “person” (kinde class) marking is enough to make the meaning clear. Also note that this gnomic sentence uses a singular noun phrase — it’s effectively “a happy shouts often”.

  15. The kitten jumped up.

    Muyhumuyto hnas ne-letmi.

    mu-yhu-muy-to    hna-s   ne=letmi
    cat-DIM-DOM-DEF  PFV-3s  GEN=jump
  16. The kitten jumped onto the table.

    Muyhumuyto hnas w-ohnosagophado ne-letmi.

    mu-yhu-muy-to    hna-s   w=ohnosago-pha-do   ne=letmi
    cat-DIM-DOM-DEF  PFV-3s  ACC=table-FLAT-DEF  GEN=jump
  17. The little kitten walked away.

    Muyhu kedümüyte hnas nï-hube.

    mu-yhu   kedü-müy-te    hna-s   nï=hube    
    cat-DIM  small-DOM-DEF  PFV-3s  GEN=go.away
  18. It’s raining.

    Siy t’opas.

    siy    t'opa-s
    water  fall-3s
  19. The rain came down.

    Siytïde klos o-t’opa.

    Siy-tï-de       klo-s    o=t'opa 
    water-ABST-DEF  IPFV-3s  ACC=fall
  20. The kitten is playing in the rain.

    Muyhumuyto tondamas may t’opas siy.

    mu-yhu-muy-to    tondama-s  may     t'opa-s  siy  
    cat-DIM-DOM-DEF  play-3s    amidst  fall-3s  water
  21. The rain has stopped.

    Siy t’opavïs mï-sindide.

    siy    t'opa-vï-s   mï=si-ndi-de    
    water  fall-NEG-3s  LOC=now-FLEX-DEF
  22. Soon the rain will stop.

    Siy kaves mï-sindide o-t’opa.

    siy    ka-ve-s     mï=si-ndi-de      o=t'opa 
    water  OPT-NEG-3s  LOC=now-FLEX-DEF  ACC=fall
  23. I hope the rain stops soon.

    Na min t’opavïs siy mï-sindide.

    na  mi-n     t'opa-vï-s   siy    mï=si-ndi-de    
    1s  hope-1s  fall-NEG-3s  water  LOC=now-FLEX-DEF

    The explicit “I hope” makes the optative auxiliary construction redundant, so a simple present is used.

  24. Once wild animals lived here.

    Hnata nï-pha topadoïs ma-phagi.

    hna-ta  nï=pha  topa-doï-s        ma=phagi
    PFV-PL  GEN=be  GRPL~animal-WILD  LOC=here

    Using the perfect tense with the stative verb pha gives a sense of remoteness similar to the English “once”.

  25. Slowly she looked around.

    Hnatays nï-mude ü-kibiïyte ï-t’umhma.

    hna-tays     nï=mude   ü=kibi-ïy-te       ï=t'umhma   
    PFV-3s.REFL  GEN=turn  ACC=head-MISC-DEF  INS=slowness
  26. Go away!

    Hup’a ko!

    hup-'a      ko
    go.away-2s  2s
  27. Let’s go!

    Kanda u-hube!

    ka-nda  u=hube
    OPT-1p  ACC=go
  28. You should go.

    Ka u-hube.

    ka-Ø    u=hube
    OPT-2s  ACC=go
  29. I will be happy to go.

    Kan u-hube ï-hmulla.

    ka-n    u=hube  ï=hmulla 
    OPT-1s  ACC=go  INS=smile
  30. He will arrive soon.

    Imis mï-sindide w-ode.

    imi-s   mï=si-ndi-de       w=ode   
    OPT-3s  LOC=soon-FLEX-DEF  ACC=come
  31. The baby’s ball has rolled away.

    Sendayte nï-nonnakïndo hnas nï-lanna.

    senda-y-te     nï=nonna-kïn-do    hna-s   nï=lanna          
    ball-MISC-DEF  GEN=baby-PERS-DEF  PFV-3s  GEN=go.away.slowly
  32. The two boys are working together.

    Nogakïmmodo k’ataynïge.

    noga-kïm-mo-do   k'a-taynïge 
    boy-PERS-DU-DEF  work-3p.REFL
  33. This mist will probably clear away.

    Ndagi uvutïdo kas ni-tigïs o-ton khin.

    nda-gi     uvu-tï-do      ka-s    ni=tigï-s     o=ton     khi-n     
    ABST-this  mist-ABST-DEF  OPT-3s  GEN=bless-3s  ACC=PASS  clear-PASS
  34. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.

    Ofloytota ofloytota pepehe otmoyk’e.

    ofloyto-ta  ofloyto-ta  pe~pehe    otmoy-k'e  
    grow-3p     grow-3p     PL~flower  lovely-PLNT
  1. My cat is black.

    Mwa nin y-ugumuy.

    mwa  ni-n    y-ugu-muy    
    cat  GEN-1s  INS-black-DOM